Francesco is as skilled a developer as they come. Not only is his work extremely thorough but he is also approachable as a person and eager to help. He was quick to grasp our needs and happy to expound on them. I would highly recommend him to anyone looking for a quality developer.
FridgeDoor, Hotterspot![]()
Francesco was professional and proactive and found the solution we needed quickly. Would definitely hire him again.
Allan Hundhausen, Futuredash![]()
Francesco's professional approach to everyday issues has added value and influenced our team.
Elias Dimitris, ENAiKOON![]()
Francesco demonstrated his experience, flexibility and knowledge in several areas of expertise, ranging from requirements and design to architecture, technical implementation and obscure problem solving.
Raymond Booth, DevelopingIT
Architect, technical team leader and lead developer for numerous API based OSS and commercial products: SwaggerHub, Swagger Core, Swagger Parser, Swagger Codegen, Swagger UI, ...
Expanded SwaggerHub feature set, performance and capabilities, e.g. Custom Linting, AWS-Azure-Github-Bitbucket integration, User plugins framework, On Prem, APIs definitions, Microservices integration, ...
From architecture to maintenance of Swagger Core OSS project with OpenAPI 3.x and Swagger/OpenAPI 2.x support, Technical and user documentation
Team leader and lead developer for SmartBear OpenAPI based projects (JAVA, TypeScript)
Java, JS, TS, Docker, Microservices, OpenAPI, Swagger, AsyncAPI, Maven, Node, MongoDB, Postgres, Monaco, VsCode, Node, CI/CD, Github
Implemented an OSS Scala solution to resolve a Swagger API document from Play Framework code and configuration. Responsible for analysis, design, implementation and documentation.
Scala, Play, Java, Swagger
Design and development of mule ESB based subsystem and gateway components of an integration platform connecting product/order flows of major retailers and brands. Responsible for analysis, design and lead development, consulting and tutoring.
Java, Maven, Mule ESB, Spring, JAXB, SOAP, JSON, XML, Amazon S3, Mockito
Data management Web portal, Android domain specific application generator and data sync, data management and synchronization backend, SSO security policies, eCommerce integration.
Analysis, architecture, team leading and lead developer.
Java, Maven, Tomcat, Spring, MariaDB, CouchDB, CouchDBLIte, JMS, ActiveMQ, Device, MINA, Android, Parser, SSO, Python, Wordpress Integration, Backbone, Marionette, PHP, EAI.
Average one million incoming records per day, capable of peaks of 20 million with current configuration/infrastructure; data flow handling based on a cluster of HTTP API frontends acting as producers for a cluster of Kafka brokers; A set of Consumer chains further process incoming messages with storage on MongoDB Replica Set. Data reporting, analysis, statistics and export are implemented via Mongo map-reduce operations in python batch jobs.
Responsible for code and data migration from a 3rd party basic system, analysis, architecture, refactoring, team leading, development, testing, deployment, write and read performance tuning.
Java, Maven, Tomcat, Kafka, MongoDB, REST, XML, JSON, Moskito, JMeter, Python, Bash.
Large modular system for telematic data processing; data gatherings from on vehicle devices, smartphones, sensors, etc; Web portal for data visualization, analysis, device control, geofence handling, plugin management etc; multi domain plugins as staff tracker, construction, fleet management, etc.
Responsible for analysis, refactor architecture, team leading and lead developer, project management, migration, development process.
Java, Maven, Tomcat, Spring, REST, MariaDB, ActiveMQ, Device, MINA, SSO, JQuery, requireJS, HTML5, CSS, Android.
Providing advanced logistic services to stakeholders participating to the platform, by identifying moving cargo to the item level (mainly via RFID), along with real world information (from connected sensor networks). Dynamically added/removed and discovered services, based on a OSGi architecture communicating via Secure WS to external clients and via Mobile Agents with the mobile devices (smartphone, vehicle blackbox, PDAs, etc).
Responsible for technical team leading, requirement management, architecture, technology decision making, design, development, etc.
Java, Maven, OSGi, ServiceMix, JADE, Embedded, Mysql, EPCIS, Fosstrak,
Mission critical bank to agency payment communication system, managing digital transmission over the internet of payment warrants; implementation of the payment process according to legal standards and protocols.
Responsible for requirement gathering, business analysis, design, development, maintenance, client communication.
Java EE, Spring, Jboss, JMS, ActiveMQ, SSL, SFTP, XML, EAI.
January 2016 - Currently
SmartBear is an IT company delivering solutions for APIs, Testing, Software development, APM (www.smartbear.com)
Analysis, architecture, team leading and lead developer, DevOps, API strategy, OpenAPI and Swagger. See portfolio for details.
Java, JS, TS, Docker, Microservices, OpenAPI, Swagger, AsyncAPI, Maven, Node, MongoDB, Postgres, Monaco, VsCode, Node, CI/CD, Github
November 2015 - January 2016
Implemented an OSS Scala solution to resolve a Swagger API document from Play Framework code and configuration. Responsible for analysis, design, implementation and documentation.
Scala, Play, Java, Swagger
February 2015 - October 2015
DevelopingIT is a software house based in Stirling, Scotland (www.developingit.com)
eCommerce integration: Design and development of mule ESB based subsystem and gateway components of an integration platform connecting product/order flows of major retailers and brands. Responsible for analysis, design and lead development, consulting and tutoring.
Java, Maven, Mule ESB, Spring, JAXB, SOAP, JSON, XML, Amazon S3, Mockito
June 2013 - May 2015
Ginstr is a location based services provider based in Berlin, Germany (www.ginstr.com)
Analysis, architecture, team leading and lead developer, development process for ginstr infrastructure (www.ginstr.com). See portfolio for details.
Java, Maven, Tomcat, Spring, MariaDB, REST, SOAP, CouchDB, CouchDBLIte, JMS, ActiveMQ, Android, Parser, SSO, Python, Wordpress Integration, Backbone, Marionette, PHP, EAI, REST, XML, JSON, Moskito, JMeter, Bash, HTML5, CSS
April 2013 - May 2013
ENAiKOON is a software house and location based services provider based in Berlin, Germany (www.enaikoon.com)
Analysis, architecture, team leading and lead developer, migration management, development process for several projects within ENAiKOON (www.enaikoon.com). Please see portfolio for details.
Java, Maven, Tomcat, Spring, MariaDB, REST, SOAP, JMS, ActiveMQ, Device, MINA, Android, EAI, Kafka, MongoDB, REST, XML, JSON, Moskito, JMeter, Bash, HTML5, CSS, Jenkins, Nexus, CI, GIT, SVN.
November 2012 - February 2013
Fridgedoor is a location based service provided based in New York, USA
Architecture, design and implementation of a software platform for location based services; back-end in Java (Spring, AspectJ, JPA, Hibernate, oAuth) with Web front-end (Spring MVC, Jsp, freemarker, Jquery, google maps) and exposed REST APIs for mobile app communication. Android mobile app (google play services, dynamic languages, location framework. Foursquare integration
June 2006 - June 2012
Insiel S.p.A is a large software house based in Trieste, Italy (www.insiel.it)
Project architect / lead developer and technical team leader for the following projects:
Simple: http://www.simple-artemis.eu/
Euridice: http://www.euridice-project.eu/
Genesis: http://www.insiel.eu/project/genesis
MIF-DCTS: http://www.infotn.it/IT/ordinativo-informatico-firma-digitale/
Promo: http://www.promo-eu.eu
CRS: http://tinyurl.com/ozop92j
European wide team coordination and tutoring, requirements management, architecture, design, development, integration, maintenance, devOps, documentation.
Java, Maven, Ant, Tomcat, JBoss, Oracle, Spring, JEE, Mysql, REST, SOAP, JMS, ActiveMQ, Device, MINA, EAI,XML, JSON, Moskito, JMeter, Bash, HTML5, CSS, Jenkins, Nexus, CI, GIT, SVN, OSGi, RFID, Zigbee, Sensor networks, Mobile development, BPEL, Liferay, Alfresco
June 2006 - October 2007
La Collina S.r.l, a multy-utility company offering software products and other services (www.lacollina.org)
Contributed to the design, development and maintenance of "Natural" (http://tinyurl.com/on5ecgr), an ERP product specialized in utility companies management. Design and development from single functionality to complete sub-systems (human resource time table management, project tracking, IT framework design). Migration from VB6 based system.
Java, J2EE, Spring, JSP, DWR, Tomcat, Mysql, Struts, Tomcat, VB6.
June 2004 - June 2006
Genertel S.p.a. an online insurance company owned by Generali (www.genertel.it)
Development, maintenance and migration of the company information system, a large enterprise application providing back-office and front-desk web access to company data and processes. Based on ATG Dynamo 5 and Oracle 8-9; framework originally developed by Accenture. Migration to WebSphere and pure J2EE.
Design and development of Change Requests managing Servlets, Dynamo components, data stores, domain model, Application server configuration, subsystems. Maintenance and development of intranet applications (JSP, Struts, JBOSS, Tomcat), build scripts (ant), CVS maintenance.
November 2003 - July 2004
Mida4 S.r.l. a Tax management software solution provider (http://www.mida4.it/)
Design and development of a VB6 software system for accounting and tax declaration management.
Responsible for redesign of business and data layer. Design and development of rapidly evolving UI layer dynamically updated according to government rules. XML, ADO, SQLServer.
March 2003 - April 2003
SOGESTA s.a.s - Shipyard and shipbuilder company based in Tricase (LE), Italy.
Design and development of a shipyard project management system. VB and SQLServer. Client-server DCOM Architecture, reports using HTML and MS Office Automation.
November 2001 - January 2002
Radio Fragola. Italian Radio network based in Trieste, Italy (www.radiofragola.com)
Design and development of a audio data management and storage system for a radio-network. 24 hours in stream of audio data and storage in compressed format; file search tool for analysis. Developed with DirectX technology.
May 2001 - July 2003
Due to a confidentiality agreement with the client, I can not provide the name of the company
Design and development of a network data Design and development of a network data management system for a company owner of a line of shops. System includes storage management with bar-code label creation, stock and transactions management in shops using bar-codes and touch screen technology, shop to shop and shop to office data transfer, various report tools. Developed in VB and Java, using MSMQ and MTS technology, XML based, locale data storage in XML (encrypted) and data transmission in XML through MSMQ for server storage on DBMS (SQLServer). Reports with XML – XSLT.
Migration of part of the data transmission logic into Java (JMS) and Web access through EJB logic (JBOSS), servlets and JSP.
May 2000 - May 2001
Anachron B.V. is a software house and service provider based in Amsterdam, Netherlands (www.anachron.com)
Responsible for design and implementation of different parts of a large we application for bill presentation and payment Technologies used include XML (XSL,XPATH,..), Java (Java2), JavaScript, Servlets and Dynamo Components, JHTML, JDBC 2.0, Oracle 8.0, Excelon, LDAP, EJB, RMI. Responsible for payment-system design and implementation, servlet developing, JHTML integration, XML storage and access, security.
Francesco Tumanischvili
email: frantuma@yahoo.com
Telephone: +39 366 1516864
Github: https://github.com/frantuma